Q3 2024

Best Logistics & Cross Border Services Provider 2023 - West Coast USA Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Otay Mesa, San Diego, just north of the US/Mexico border, Bali Express Services (Bali Express) provides superior logistics and cross border services for organisations throughout the US and Mexico, including the likes of Whalen, Foxconn, Kyocera, and TCL. With a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, Bali Express is constantly innovating and evolving, utilising zero-emission trucks and eco-friendly practices in order to reduce its impact on the environment. Recently, its partnership with SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric) resulted in the historic first crossing of a heavy-duty electric freight truck across the US/Mexico border – an exciting industry-first that is paving the way towards a net-zero future in the binational region. The Business Concept- Q3 2024 THE BUSINESS CONCEPT.

Welcome to the Q3 issue of The Business Concept. The Business Concept is dedicated to providing you with the latest, most intricate visions from across the business landscape. Globally, there is an endless amount of support for business development – and The Business Concept is here to showcase the solutions and assistance being provided around the world. Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important topic, with rising pollution and climate change crises. In particular, logistics is one sector that needs to be taking its environmental impact seriously, with billions of tons of cargo transported around the globe yearly by trucks, planes, ships, and trains. Achieving decarbonisation is a complex challenge, but it is one that businesses need to be addressing in order to fight climate change and do right by our planet and our people. One such logistics business that is dedicated to sustainability is our front cover feature and our Best Logistics & Cross Border Services Provider 2023 – West Coast USA, Bali Express Services (Bali Express). Led by Juan Baez, Bali Express is on a mission to revolutionise the logistics industry, one electric truck at a time. It was in April this year that Bali Express crossed the US/Mexico border in an electric truck for the first time ever, marking an important step towards achieving decarbonisation in freight transportation. We hope you find this issue to be insightful and inspiring and that you have a prosperous quarter ahead. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon for our Q4 issue. Rebecca Scotland, Editor Q3 2024. AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.

Contents 4. News - Report highlights the energy storage challenge facing the logistics industry - FLEET DRIVERS CALL FOR MORE HYDROGEN INVESTMENT 6. Bali Express Services: Best Logistics & Cross Border Services Provider 2023 - West Coast USA 10. Action Claim Service: Best Independent Expert Claims Administrators – Arkansas 11. 5 Advantages of Using a POS System in a Retail Environment 12. Five Steps to Decarbonise and Digitise Your Fleet 14. Expert Reveals Top Tops on How to Optimise Your Supply Chain 15. Top Challenges with Software Migration in Manufacturing - and How to Resolve Them

News. 4 Report highlights the energy storage challenge facing the logistics industry According to Toyota Material Handling (UK) as fossil fuels are phased out and the electrification of road transport and materials handling fleets gathers pace, energy storage will become one of the biggest challenges facing companies in the supply chain sector. Electricity is transmitted to businesses across the United Kingdom through the network of pylons, overhead lines, cables, and substations owned and maintained by the National Grid. But, because sustainable energy sources – such as solar and wind – cannot be relied upon to provide a predictable power supply thanks to variations in weather patterns, new solutions are needed that will allow energy to be stored in sufficient quantity to sustain a constant electricity supply and avoid the risk of power cuts. In its recently published report ‘Trends in Logistics 2024’, Toyota say that batteries capable of storing energy at very high capacities have a vital part to play in the UK’s future energy infrastructure. Potentially, Toyota contend, batteries may have to be able to store enough energy to run entire industrial sites or even to power cities or large urban conurbations. “There is no doubt that high-capacity batteries will become a part of the overall energy landscape,” says Gary Ison, Toyota Material Handling’s Product Development Manager. He continues: “Battery manufacturers and OEMs are in a race to develop high capacity batteries that are not only capable of powering electric vehicles, such as forklifts, over a sustained period after the briefest recharging time, but are also big enough to store the energy generated by the sun and the wind to allow essential electricity supplies to be maintained at times when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing.” Battery technology is advancing rapidly with the potential of silicone, graphene and sodium batteries all being considered. And Toyota’s ‘Trends in Logistics 2024’ report says there is growing optimism that developments in solid state batteries, could have a positive longterm impact. Solid state batteries operate the same way as any other battery. They take energy in, store it, and release the power on demand. But unlike, for example lithium-ion batteries which have a liquid electrolyte solution sandwiched in between their cathodes and anodes, solid state batteries use solid electrolytes. This increases density and means that the capacity of a solid-state battery can be up to 10 times that of a lithium-ion unit of the same size. One potential drawback of these solid-state batteries is that they are expensive and difficult to produce and are expected to remain so for some time, so it seems unlikely that they will be seen in common usage soon. There is also a growing enthusiasm among operators of larger materials handling equipment fleets for alternative fuels such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and hydrogen technology. Several models in the Toyota MHE range are offered with hydrogen fuel cells and Toyota Hydrogen fuel cell-powered forklifts already operate at sites across the Nordic region, Europe, and Australia. While in the automotive sector Toyota is at the forefront of the development of cars that use hydrogen fuel cells to deliver zero-emissions driving with long travel times between top-ups. Existing and prospective Toyota customers can visit the Beyond Zero Experience Centre in Derby to see the hydrogen products in action, test drive various models and learn about refuelling regimes. “For forklift truck users that have the benefit of an on-site hydrogen supply, hydrogen fuel cells can be refuelled in just a few minutes and allow emission-free operation,” says Toyota’s Gary Ison. He adds: “Transitioning to new sustainable energy sources is one of the most significant issues facing the supply chain sector. And while the move from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles across the industry is advanced, concerns regarding grid capacity and availability of electricity generated by renewable sources haven’t yet disappeared. These concerns are causing some companies to delay investment in new technology and, ultimately, risk undermining efforts to turn the UK’s net zero ambitions into reality.” Toyota’s ‘Trends in Logistics 2024’ report can be downloaded at no cost by visiting https:// tinyurl.com/25fdk4h7

5 News. FLEET DRIVERS CALL FOR MORE HYDROGEN INVESTMENT the drive to reduce carbon emissions, research by Venson Automotive Solutions reveals fleet drivers are open to a wide range of green vehicle options. 37% of drivers confirmed they would consider both hydrogen and electric vehicle options when choosing their next company car, if the charging or refuelling infrastructure was in place. 30% would only consider electric and 22% would only consider hydrogen. There are several alternative greener fuel options in development around the world thanks to technological advances, the fastest growing of which is hydrogen. Comparing these results with a similar survey carried out by Venson in 2021, it shows an increased interest in both hydrogen and electric, as just 11% would have considered hydrogen and 18% electric in 2021. However, when survey respondents were introduced to other alternative fuels, an impressive 50% confirmed they would also consider Biodiesel - derived from a range of sources, including waste cooking oil, animal fats and rapeseed oil – if there were options readily available. Biogas Compressed Natural Gas (37%), Compressed Air (30%), Ethanol (29%), or Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) (23%) would also be considered. However, almost one in four motorists remain loyal to petrol or diesel vehicles. “While hydrogen-powered cars, also known as Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs), may be relatively rare on UK roads today, they have the potential to grow rapidly in popularity in the next few years, if the refuelling infrastructure can be suitably extended,” comments Simon Staton, Client Management Director at Venson Automotive Solutions. “Interestingly, 62% of respondents believe vehicle manufacturers should be investing the same amount of time and money in bringing hydrogen cars to UK roads, as they are with electric cars. “Clearly fleet drivers are keen to do their bit to reduce their environmental impact, and hydrogen could be a more convenient refuelling option than electric for many people in future. Certainly, fleet managers looking to cut fleet emissions should not exclude hydrogen from their long-term plans in favour of hybrid and electric vehicles readily available today. It is early days for hydrogen fleets, but increasing investment in the relevant technology and refuelling networks will increase the appeal of FCEVs.” In a recent white paper, ‘The Big Hydrogen Question,’ Venson explored the role hydrogen power will play in transitioning to greener mobility, as well as the current challenges stalling more rapid progress. Simon Staton concludes “Hydrogen could be a game-changer in the near future. Although electric is increasingly being adopted across fleets of cars and to some extent vans, electric is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is certainly not the best option for large vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cell technology could be a realistic green alternative for many fleets of HGVs and other large commercial vehicles if the right investment is made in the allimportant refuelling infrastructure.” With growing interest in other alternative fuel options beyond electric www.venson.com

Best Logistics & Cross Border Services Provider 2023 - West Coast USA According to the Department of Transportation, almost 35,000 trucks cross the US/Mexico border each day – and it was in April 2024 that an electric freight truck – specifically a Peterbilt Model 579EVs – made this journey for the first time through the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, which connects Southern California to Tijuana. This momentous occasion was the result of a partnership between Bali Express Services and SDG&E, and it represented how the power of collaboration can lead to brilliant innovation and ultimately progress towards decarbonising freight transportation. In this project, SDG&E built and installed 3,600 charging stations to create dependable and accessible charging options for medium- and heavy-duty electric freight trucks crossing the US/Mexico border. This was completed as part of SDG&E’s Power Your Drive for Fleets program, which connects fleet operators with resources and financial incentives to allow them to easily and affordably design and install charging stations. In this instance, these chargers were in part funded by a $200,000 grant through the California Energy Commission’s Clean Transportation Program, which is the provider of more than $1 billion in alternative fuel and vehicle technology projects designed to deliver health, environmental, and economical initiatives for communities. Owner of Bali Express, Juan Baez expressed his great joy at the opportunity to work with SDG&E on such a bold and groundbreaking project. With the addition of electric freight trucks to his company’s fleet, it is not only reducing its own carbon footprint, but it is also blazing the trail for other logistics businesses within the industry, setting the benchmark for a more sustainable future in freight transportation. Bali Express is proud to be leading this transition with the first ever electric truck US/Mexico border crossing. “Very professional and knowledgeable staff in their field: logistics, transportation, customs.” Additionally, San Diego’s Mayor Todd Gloria shared his delight at how such an event shows the city’s dedication to innovation, cross-border cooperation, and its binational community. Not only is this project looking to contribute significantly to San Diego’s work towards reducing its emissions, but Mayor Gloria cites how the city envisions an overall greener future for the people who live near its border, as well as to lead the way in the areas of international trade and environmental responsibility. Of Bali Express’ 399 trucks, 16 of these are now electric, and 11 have begun making cross-border journeys, with two travelling between Tijuana and San Diego per day, from Monday to Saturday, and making 132 crossings per week to fulfil its service to maquiladoras across the Baja California area and US. With the introduction of electric vehicles to its fleet, Bali Express is now well on the way toward complying with the zero-emission fleet regulation that will be coming into place in 2035 for transport companies operating across California. As such, Juan does see it as crucial to be preparing for this now, taking steps to test the new technology and electrify the entire company’s fleet. To support this, Bali Express is looking to take advantage of the 40% financial incentive offered by the state of California for transport companies that utilise electric trucks – which, it is worth noting, cost three-times more than diesel trucks. “This carrier was very easy to work with, offered a fair rate on our lane, their dispatcher stayed on top of the updates through email, plus the driver used Macropoint to make tracking easier, and it worked the whole time. Load was delivered on time as expected.” Bali Express’ steadfast commitment to sustainability is evident, and it is equally devoted towards ensuring its clients receive a service that is nothing short of outstanding, transporting their cargo from A to B in a way that is secure, efficient, and reliable. The company’s highly experienced team are trained according to CTPAT (Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) standards, while also being highly knowledgeable in US and Mexican custom documentation. As such, they are extremely well-versed in delivering intermodal services inclusive of efficient container pickup and delivery, strategic location access, inventory management, and comprehensive support. And the company’s transportation methods don’t only cover road, but also ocean, rail, and air. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Otay Mesa, San Diego, just north of the US/Mexico border, Bali Express Services (Bali Express) provides superior logistics and cross border services for organisations throughout the US and Mexico, including the likes of Whalen, Foxconn, Kyocera, and TCL. With a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, Bali Express is constantly innovating and evolving, utilising zero-emission trucks and eco-friendly practices in order to reduce its impact on the environment. Recently, its partnership with SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric) resulted in the historic first crossing of a heavy-duty electric freight truck across the US/Mexico border – an exciting industryfirst that is paving the way towards a net-zero future in the binational region.

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It takes the safety of all cargo seriously, employing a comprehensive 24/7 monitoring system, thorough inspections by its certified K9 team, and vigilant guards for all cross-border shipments. In addition, the company’s use of DOT-approved electronic logbooks, real-time GPS tracking, driving hours systems, smart driving alerts, and more ensure it is always attentive to its drivers’ activities. These measures, as well as others, are integral parts of the service that Bali Express delivers for its customers. It is also continuously working to improve its processes, training, and resources in order to meet the expectations of all its customers. Ultimately, it is easy to see how Bali Express Services came to see success within the Logistics Warehouse and Supply Chain Awards 2023. Between its exceptional and cost-effective service offering; its expert, trained team; and its state-of-the-art fleet that is becoming increasingly eco-friendly, it has become a true lighthouse within the logistics space. With its proven reliability and glowing reputation, customers have complete peace of mind when it comes to the transportation of their goods. All of that is without even mentioning how the company is leading the binational logistics carbon neutral revolution and the first to cross the US/Mexico border with an electric truck. With that, we at The Business Concept magazine bestow Bali Express Services with the well-deserved title of Best Logistics & Cross Border Services Provider 2023 - West Coast USA – and we look forward to seeing what else this remarkable company has in store in what is an undoubtedly bright future ahead. Company: Bali Express Services Email: [email protected] Website: https://baliexpservices.com/

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The Business Concept- Q3 2024 | 10 Jun24605 Best Independent Expert Claims Administrators – Arkansas “Fast, Friendly, Right the First Time.” As an independent adjusting company/third party administrator, Action Claim Service is able to offer a completely tailored claims handling service. President Michael Mann tells us, “We consider ourselves to be a boutique business. We do not try to fit our clients into our box. We develop each program for the carriers starting with a blank piece of paper, listening and responding to their very specific needs.” Understanding that each client is completely different, Action Claim Service’s programs are designed in a unique way to ensure that everyone can experience the service they require. Steering clear of the cookie cutter approach takes a lot of experience and skill, yet Action Claim Service is a leading force in this area. The team’s philosophy is to get to know not only its client business but their claims philosophy to develop a bespoke program that reaps the desired results. Wholeheartedly immersing himself in the business, Michael shares, “I enjoy helping our clients deliver on the promise that is an insurance policy.” Michael, and his team, prioritise listening and responding to the ever-changing needs of clients across USA’s southeast region. He continues, “Our complete staff from the executive members to the professional adjusters and including the administrative support team are all in on our mission of providing the most professional and efficient claims handling service available.” The essence behind each of Action Claim Service’s contributions to clients comes from a place of understanding, compassion, and experience, further solidifying its presence against its competitors. Furthermore, with its claims management system in place, the business provides its clients with a read only, secure access solution which is available via the web 24/7. Each program has the potential to look completely different, with Action Claim Service’s ability to craft and customize to the wishes of each client. Always creating programs to be proactive, rather than reactive, Action Claim Service improves its clients’ profitability for self-insureds through the specialized disposition of claims. Reducing handling costs as well as settlement and indemnification expenses, Action Claim Service’s deeply experienced, cost effective solutions results in strong partnerships and a solid recipe for success – for both parties. Awarded with Best Independent Expert Claims Administrators – Arkansas in our Independent Business Awards 2024, Action Claim Service’s boutique approach is paying off. Always addressing the specific pain points of its clients, the company’s reputation continues to bloom. As a fine example of the testimonials garnered by Action Claim Service, S. Lerew said, “I have met many of the customers whose claims were handled by Action Claim Service over the last 11 years. This can rarely be said, but I have never heard a complaint about this company. They live up to their motto - “Fast, Friendly, and Right the First Time.” I am blown away at how much they selflessly do for others. Finally, I want to express that not all independent adjusting firms can make the insurance companies they represent happy while they simultaneously give the claimants the best experience possible, but Action Claims has a gift of doing just that! I highly recommend them!” This unwavering team of insurance claims professionals, third party administrators, and experts in property, insurance, and liability claims work tirelessly to achieve the best results for their clients in the USA. For the future, Michael hints at what is to come for Action Claim Service. He says, “We have opportunities in the very near future to expand our service footprint as well as to broaden our scope of services.” We’re sure to see the business continue to aid the industry quickly, effectively, and most importantly, expertly. Contact: Michael Mann Company: Action Claim Service Web Address: https://actionclaimservice.com/ Named in our Independent Business Awards 2024 for its stellar services and dedication to client satisfaction, Action Claim Service is a remarkable company expertly serving insurance carriers and self-insured entities throughout USA’s southeast. We profile the business below as we applaud its success in its industry.

The Business Concept- Q3 2024 | 11 Jul23056 5 Advantages of Using a POS System in a Retail Environment A new article by NYC area retail technology expert eMazzanti Technologies shares how the advantages of POS systems in retail extend far beyond simple sales transactions. The author highlights five important benefits businesses realize with a modern POS system, from improved inventory management to support for data-driven decision making. She then highlights the need for updated retail cyber security and suggests options for protecting important retail technology investments. “POS systems of today do much more than accept payment methods. This comprehensive solution drives efficiency and shapes the customer experience,” emphasized Jennifer Mazzanti, CEO, eMazzanti Technologies. Below are a few excerpts from the article, “5 Advantages of Using a POS System in a Retail Environment.” Improved Inventory Management “The system will deliver alerts when inventory runs low. Further, it can help to automate reordering. For instance, if you set reorder levels in the system, it will automatically generate and send a purchase order when stock levels reached the specified point. This allows you to maintain ideal inventory levels without constantly counting product.” Analytics for Data-driven Decision Making “POS systems offer robust reporting features, providing valuable insights into product performance, sales trends, peak shopping hours, customer habits, and more. This data proves essential in driving decision making around products, pricing, and promotions.” Improved Customer Experience “Additionally, because the systems accept multiple payment options at a single terminal, customers can easily pay using their payment type of choice. And if they need to return or exchange items, the POS system makes that a breeze, as well.” Strengthened Security “Modern POS systems prioritize security with features like secure payment processing and user access controls. This safeguards your business from fraud and data breaches, providing peace of mind and facilitating compliance with regulations such as PCI DSS. In addition, cloud-based POS systems protect against data loss by enabling automated data backups.” Protect POS Investment with Retail IT Services from eMazzanti Keep in mind, however, that POS transactions still pose an attractive target for cyber criminals, and a successful data breach will have far-reaching consequences. Work with a reputable vendor to ensure the proper configuration and security of your POS system. eMazzanti Technologies offers comprehensive and cost-effective retail technology solutions, including cyber security. NYC area retail technology expert shares key advantages of using a POS system in a retail environment and tips on how to keep it secure—in a new article from eMazzanti Technologies

As the supply of fossil fuels declines, coupled with global acknowledgement of the associated environmental risks, the haulage industry has refocused its efforts on decarbonisation. If fleet managers are to end their reliance on oil and natural gas, they must look at alternative energy sources that are less harmful to the environment. Fortunately, clean, renewable energy, by virtue of wind, water, and solar power, is becoming more accessible. Modes of transportation that rely on fossil fuels like cars, trucks, and aeroplanes are now being developed to run on renewable fuel sources. The introduction of electric vehicle (EV) technology has been successful in the UK, with ZapMap reporting the existence of over 1,145,000 passenger and commercial EV’s on domestic roads as of June 2024. A fully electric delivery fleet isn’t feasible just yet, but now is the time to plan and prepare for this future. Here are five steps that fleet managers can incorporate to ensure the smooth transition to an exclusively EV fleet. 1. Analyse your existing data Start by examining your company’s existing operations. Gather information from your fleet telematics system on current routes, vehicle load capacity, typical cargo, and available drivers. Next, look at the quality of the road network around your premises and your vehicle replacement schedule. In-house telematics data will provide months of very rich operational insights to form the foundation of your transition strategy. It can take some effort to pull all of this information together, but once it has been compiled and analysed, you will have a detailed overview of your operations. This will significantly assist you in the remaining steps of the process. Although it is possible to complete this analysis in-house, getting help from experts will produce far more accurate results and an in-depth plan of action for the next steps. 2. Invest in solar Despite the stereotype that the UK suffers from a distinct lack of sun across all seasons, solar power represents a renewable energy source that UK fleet operators should be looking to adopt on-site. There has been a huge push in the UK for solar panel installations, with the incoming Labour government revealing ambitious plans to invest £8.3 billion into state-owned power company Great British Energy (GBE). This investment is set to transform the energy landscape, which includes the expansion of solar power. One of the biggest incentives for businesses to invest in solar panels is the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows them to deduct a percentage of their installation costs from their taxable income. This reduces the overall costs of going solar. While there are appealing tax breaks, decision makers at haulage companies must apply strategic thinking to solar power adoption. Instead of investing in just enough roof panels to overcome power outages, entire roofs should be covered. Yes, it will produce more power than you can use right now, but that won’t be the case for long as later down the line, you’ll replace your fossil fuel costs with green, renewable ‘fuel’ to operate your fleet. Your solar investment will pay off in the long run, when highway electrification becomes more feasible for toll companies, and you can invest in larger trucks that can travel longer distances with more cargo. 3. Invest in your first electric vehicles With the fleet telematics gathered in Step 1, investigate which electric trucks and vans will best suit your business. There are affordable entry-level EVs for most categories of commercial vehicle. The initial analysis will identify the optimal balance of internal combustion engine (ICE) and EV vehicles in your fleet as an initial step towards transition. Then you need to decide which EVs are the most suitable replacements for the ICE vehicles nearing retirement. Look at battery size, range, and charging times. Analyse how much solar power you are producing and compare those numbers to the energy requirements of various EVs. Match up your supply with potential demand for the best investment. Your EV fleet may look a little different from your ICE fleet, but it should ultimately produce the same results. By the time you are ready to start replacing your ICE fleet, most likely with smaller delivery vehicles in the one-to four-tonne range, there will be a greater range of options to select from, as EV manufacturers are regularly launching new models and producing increasingly superior vehicles. Furthermore, import tariffs and duties could be adjusted in future government budget announcements, which will go a long way to the affordability of these eco-friendly vehicles. 4. Identify suitable routes With a good understanding of your new vehicles’ capabilities, it is time to look at the most suitable routes to send them on. The first routes to be serviced by EVs will likely be loops of around 74 miles from the depot, and likely in Greater London, which has more than 20 000 EV charging points already. This will allow for two passes a day, with a fast charge after the first loop while the vehicle is being reloaded, and a full charge overnight on low-power charging. Longer routes won’t be viable for some time as they will require charging infrastructure along major national routes, which will undoubtedly take a while to complete. However, shorter routes can reduce your fuel spend from the outset. When the first tranche of your routes have gone electric and you’ve got new data to analyse - which routes work best, what the best charging schedule is for your business, your largest expenses and Five Steps to Decarbonise and Digitise Your Fleet Justin Coetzee, CEO and Founder of GoMetro

13. The Business Concept- Q3 2024 | 13 biggest savings, and so on - you can revisit your initial plan and make improvements for the next wave EVs you acquire. 5. Data management Data management and analytics are even more important for EV fleets than ICE fleets. EV fleets require careful management of resources since you won’t be able to pop into a nearby fuelling station if a vehicle runs out of power. One of the key benefits of data management and analytics for EV fleets is the ability to optimise charging infrastructure. Fleet managers who analyse data on vehicle usage patterns, charging times, and energy consumption, can identify the optimal locations for charging stations. This ensures that vehicles have convenient access to charging points and reduces the risk of downtime due to lack of power. Monitoring battery health, energy consumption, and vehicle performance also lets fleet managers identify potential issues before they become major problems. Thankfully, electric vehicles generate vast amounts of data that, with the assistance of a reliable electric vehicle fleet management system, will set your company up for a successful future in the EV era. Anticipate further emissions regulations The UK is currently aligned with the EU’s 2019/631 legislation, which introduced a zero and low emission benchmark of 15% of the vehicles in a manufacturers fleet for 2025. It’s only a matter of time before the government tightens these regulations even further, meaning fleet operators need to be proactive in introducing structural changes to ensure they are compliant with new laws. An EV fleet is a neat solution to satisfying the developing standards of emissions control. Not only does it show commitment to a greener planet, but you can also take advantage of economic benefits, such as reduced fuel and maintenance costs, improved efficiency, and vehicle longevity, all of which are good for your business.

The Business Concept- Q3 2024 | 14 Expert Reveals Top Tops on How to Optimise Your Supply Chain From global shortages of materials to transport delays and lack of personnel, supply chains in the UK have experienced several issues in recent years, with at least 20% of businesses experiencing some sort of disruption. 93% of companies expect the pressure on supply chains in our country to persist throughout 2024, meaning their operations might suffer as a result. But the good news is that, even if most organisations have made necessary adaptions to limit problems with their supply chain, further steps can be taken to enhance and refine the process. Cleveland Containers, a leading supplier of 40 ft shipping containers in the UK, offers expert insight on the best ways to optimise your supply chain, from investing in the right technology to fostering collaboration. Plan carefully First things first, planning ahead and carefully is arguably one of the most critical segments to ensure a smooth supply chain process. Hayley Hedley, Head of Commercial at Cleveland Containers, said: “Planning in a timely fashion is crucial, especially when it comes to order fulfilment. “This is because it will allow you to prevent potential issues with your logistics chain and avoid delays that could leave you without the raw materials and products you need to seamlessly carry out your operations. What’s more, if you fail to plan your orders early, you may end up in a situation where you’ll have to ask for urgent deliveries – and added costs can rack up pretty quickly. “Planning carefully includes looking at any potential process change, evaluating how it might impact the flow of your supply chain and whether it might affect your bottom-line gains. “This gives you the opportunity to prepare and account for worstcase contingencies. Hopefully, they will never happen – but if they do, you will have a plan of action to tackle them effectively and with confidence.” Promote communication and collaboration Communication and collaboration are the lifeblood of any organisation, as they create an environment where expectations are clear and everyone rows in the same direction. In addition to fostering cooperation among various departments within your business, it is important to extend a culture of open communication with your suppliers and logistics providers. In fact, this can promote a stronger sense of trust, improve responsiveness to changes, eliminate confusion, and lead to a more fruitful relationship overall. If you are using more than one supplier, communication and collaboration become even more essential. By staying in constant touch with all your suppliers, you can keep everything ticking as it should without the risk of delays or misunderstandings. Take advantage of analytics tools Harnessing the power of data analytics is another great way to optimise your supply chain and give your business a competitive edge. For example, analytical tools allow you to evaluate your sales figures, understand customer preferences, and predict future demands. Based on the data, you can then make more conscious and confident business decisions, such as forecasting demand and recalculating inventory levels to suit both your business and customers’ needs. In short, analytics tools allow you to monitor customer behaviour, keep your stock at appropriate levels, and contact your supplier with more accurate orders and requests. Embrace technology Technology can act as a much-loved friend in terms of streamlining processes and optimising supply chains. Interestingly, almost half of UK businesses (46%) are not yet relying on modern tech, such as AI, robotics, machine learning, and augmented reality, in their day-to-day activities. However, embracing innovations can have a wide range of benefits when it comes to improving speed and accuracy. For example, blockchain technology can automate repetitive and physically draining processes, increase visibility, and enhance decision-making within the supply chain. What’s more, implementing specific software can aid inventory management, allowing to track locations in real-time and facilitate operations within the warehouse. From planning in advance to promoting collaboration, there are many steps you can take to optimise your supply chain and ensure your business is operating constantly at its best. So, despite the challenges of recent times, having a few handy tips can make the all-important difference between struggling with disruptions and maintaining efficiency at prime levels. J

The Business Concept- Q3 2024 | 15 If staff and other stakeholders input into the testing of new software or technology projects is sluggish, introduce game-like elements. This increases user engagement, ensures changes are accepted and issues are found earlier. It will accelerate learning and foster a positive attitude towards the new system, crucial for large-scale change. Develop interactive user test-and-training modules with rewards, challenges, and leaderboards. Research and consider what rewards will motivate your particular team. User-acceptance testing is a crucial phase in any project and needs staff buy-in, so get them involved from the outset – this technology change is for them, after all! Challenge four: Old business processes don’t map perfectly to new solutions. Solution: Business process reengineering. Evaluate and optimise business processes as part of the migration to identify opportunities for improvement. Conduct a thorough business-process analysis and identify areas for automation, streamlining, or elimination.This increases efficiency, reduces costs, and improves overall business performance, not just for the migration programme, but long term. Convince teams that what they do (workflow), not just how they do it (technology), needs to alter. As we know, people can be averse to change, so it’s important to approach this collaboratively with the team, rather than imposing changes on them. Challenge Five: One big bang change event that impacts business operations. Solution: A continuous-migration approach. Break down a migration into smaller, incremental steps rather than an instant-hit approach. This reduces risk, minimises disruption, and allows for continuous improvement and speedy adjustments if issues arise. Prioritise critical functionalities and migrate them in phases, perhaps by module. This might require creative thinking in some contexts, for example looking at it from a people rather than technology perspective, moving users over to the new solution in stages. Implementing these strategies may not solve all your problems, but they will help with most of them. The key to any migration is working collaboratively - discussing, debating, planning and mitigating before migration projects commence. The manufacturing sector is going through some massive changes and the more we talk across functions and even across organisations about what works and what doesn’t, the easier these changes will be. We will be able to the improve the sector in ways that are crucial for business, government and society as a whole, while remaining profitable. For further information on Roq’s Quality Engineering services for firms in sectors including manufacturing retail, banking, healthcare, automotive, and the public sector, visit www.roq.co.uk Top Challenges with Software Migration in Manufacturing - and How to Resolve Them By David Moore, Client Services Manager at Quality Engineering consultants, Roq The manufacturing sector has some lofty goals. These include increasing safety standards, massively reducing emissions and significantly improving sustainability across its supply chains. There’s also a real need to attract and retain the best talent from some very competitive pools, reduce production costs and time-to-market whilst increasing product quality. One much-discussed way to meet these tricky aims is to transition to Industry 4.0 – smart factories featuring the likes of automation, robotics, AI, IoT and augmented reality. This may well prove to be the solution, but how do firms successfully move to new technologies whilst ensuring day-to-day operations are not negatively impacted and costs do not spiral out of control? If you are building a new Tesla-style plant or simply upgrading existing systems, the challenges of technology and software migration are substantial and wide-ranging. So what are the main issues facing the manufacturing sector and how can they be tackled? Challenge one: Poor understanding of the impact of technology change on staff and the business. Solution: Impact analysis of change with user community and through the use of predictive modelling. Engage with stakeholders, especially software-system users, and use predictive analytics to add detail and data to their concerns. These tactics will provide a clear view of the potential impact of software changes on business processes and operations. You’ll also get buy-in to any new software or technology project from the teams affected, making implementation smoother. Identifying potential risks and challenges before, or at least early, in the migration process allows for realistic strategies and swift, informed adjustments. Develop models to analyse dependencies, interconnections, and potential consequences of software changes. This will be hugely important in designing testing to prove the new solution works as intended. Allow plenty of time for the delivery team and user community to conduct and take part in impact analysis to ensure it is done properly before a project commences. Challenge two: Lots of data to migrate. Solution: AI-driven data cleansing, migration and testing. If data is a big part of a migration, employ AI extract transform load tools to handle this arduous task quickly and automatically. Once migrated, AI can also be used to enhance data testing, significantly reducing manual effort, improving data quality, and accelerating the migration process. Utilising machine-learning techniques to develop models for data cleansing and transformation may require specialist personnel or a tool that is easy to use and configure to your particular environment, such as dealing with detailed product-manufacturing specifications. Don’t hesitate to seek external help if needed. Challenge three: Low levels of engagement in user-acceptance testing. Solution: Gamification. Jul23118