Q2 2024

The Business Concept- Q2 2024 | 8 Most Innovative Air Traffic Control Software Company 2024 - Mid-Atlantic USA When Keith Smith launched the PilotEdge network back in 2011, he did so with a vision to build upon the fantastic work that was already being done by the numerous hobbyist ATC networks. His aim was to craft an elevated, repeatable experience that lent itself to the unique demands of real world flight training, which are somewhat different to those of simulator enthusiasts. Three years after setting out on this endeavour, including a full year of beta testing, Keith launched PilotEdge, initially covering 45 towered airports in Southern California. In the more than a decade that has passed since it first went live, PilotEdge has grown exponentially, and today encompasses Oakland, Seattle, Salt Lake, Denver, and Albuquerque’s ARTCCs - essentially the western half of the USA. The software itself has also continued to evolve, and now boasts such industry-leading features such as dynamic signal degradation of voice communications, including terrain interference, CPDLC data link, digital ATIS and even custom voice-based ATIS broadcasts, all of which mirror their real world counterparts. The incredibly realistic nature of this shared, multi-user environment means that there are a few ground rules that all prospective pilots should know. Contrary to what they may first think, PilotEdge is not a classroom-style environment or simply “having a go.” It is expected that all pilots using the network can operate both their simulator and the aircraft they have chosen to a high standard. As Keith explains it, trying to fly a Boeing 737 using instrument flight rules, or IFR, without the relevant knowledge will go down about as well as it would in real life This is not to deter those with experience from investing in this remarkable service, as perfection is not what is expected here. Rather, being a shared resource, the team simply do not want pilots to be so far removed from the general expectation that they hinder the progress of other paying customers or the highly trained controllers working tirelessly to adhere to real world standards of flight operation. Speaking of these controllers, many have real world experience, and they all undergo more than 80 hours of PilotEdgePilotEdge Inc operates a professional and realistic subscription-based environment for flight simulators, including the provision of human-driven Air Traffic Control (ATC). It provides life-like, if not heart-pounding, flight scenarios. As the only company to guarantee virtual ATC services through a predictable schedule that utilizes real people to provide the ATC, PilotEdge is the perfect choice for those with the correct knowledge and experience who will benefit from having wholly authentic and consequential ATC interactions as part of their flight simulation experience. specific training to aptly prepare them for the task at hand, in addition to the 1000+ hours of controlling experience that are required to even be considered for a position. Beyond simply offering its customers strikingly accurate ATC service, PilotEdge is further distinguished by a stellar range of additional services. These include free workshops based on communication and navigation, 31 graded training flights, three video-based programmes that provide realworld perspectives of IFR and VFR (visual flight rules), as well as an annual “SimVenture” event which allows pilots to participate in an event which mirrors the world-famous AirVenture event, held annually in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. SimVenture captures the essence of PilotEdge, affording pilots a realistic environment in which to hone their communication and navigation skills safely, before they take to the skies in the real world. PilotEdge helps transform the normally solitary experience of flying a simulator at home into a unique, heart-pounding shared experience. Clients often share the highs and lows of their flight on the company’s popular Discord server, showcasing a strong community spirit. From helping train the United States Navy and the Brazilian Air Force, through to the countless budding pilots from across the US and beyond that master their trade on this network, PilotEdge serves as an innovative solution that impactfully bridges the gap between flying in a simulator and flying in real life. Offering exemplary services for both the home market and the commercial sphere in equal measure, it is our privilege to recognise PilotEdge Inc as the Most Innovative Air Traffic Control Software Company 2024 - Mid-Atlantic USA. Contact: Keith Smith Company: PilotEdge Inc Web Address: https://www.pilotedge.net/