Independent Business Awards 2024

The Business Concept - Independent Business Awards 2024 | 13 Green transport Global transportation-related emissions released nearly 8 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2022, so it’s time to get clear on the real cost of commuting. Try implementing different transport schemes such as group carpooling and the cycle to work scheme. This initiative not only encourages office workers to be more physically active, but also contributes to reducing their carbon footprint through choosing cleaner travel methods. Remote work Employees who work remotely all the time produce 54% less greenhouse gas emissions than office workers. Besides other positives, allowing remote work and reducing unnecessary travel, employees are also reducing their carbon footprint. Consider more flexible, remote, or hybrid work options to promote sustainability while enhancing productivity and employee satisfaction. Office composting Office composting is as simple as at-home composting – instead of throwing food waste into the rubbish bin, you dispose of it in a compost or green bin. Greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere could be reduced by 38 to 84 percent by composting food waste alone. By diverting organic waste from landfills, you can do a great job in reducing your office’s greenhouse gas emissions. Smart energy consumption Inside the office, energy consumption is another huge contributor to carbon dioxide emissions. Not only that, energy makes up a huge proportion of costs to businesses, especially SMEs who need to remain smart on spending. However, the good news is that even low and no-cost actions can usually reduce energy costs by at least 10%. First, start by making sure your energy provider generates their energy from sustainable sources. Then to reduce your energy consumption, identify opportunities for energy savings, and implement new measures to prevent any unnecessary waste. These could be measures such as • Fitting timers and smart metres • Checking for inefficient lighting • Ensuring unused equipment is switched off This way, you not only reduce your monthly bills, you also contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet. Get certified Why not level up your credentials and become environmentally certified such as the Carbon Trust Route to Net Zero Standard, Zero Waste Scotland, and EcoVadis, to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability? Reach out to a sustainability consultant or third-party company, to ensure compliance with environmental standards, and get you that seal of approval. Carbon off-setting Carbon off-setting is a brilliant method when done correctly. If done badly, it can fail and become a tool for ‘greenwashing’ allowing businesses to avoid cutting their emissions, while claiming they are. To effectively offset your carbon footprint, you will want to start by calculating your emissions. Once you understand this, you can then begin reducing your emissions, and then choosing appropriate offset projects – but ensure you choose a CER,or VCS certified scheme. There are various schemes available which can fit your organisation’s values and goals, from safe water projects, hydroelectric power plants, to tree-planting projects, the choice is yours. Support local communities Communities are the heart and soul of life, there are many sustainable communities initiatives that you can get behind. Consider sponsoring a charity, whether that be dedicated to education, community, or addressing local environmental challenges. You can choose an initiative that aligns with your business, and help support and drive meaningful change.